Why you should learn Python in 2022

Manpreet Singh
4 min readDec 20, 2021

Welcome back! Python is an awesome programming language with a ton of capability, if you’re new to Python, check out the link below to learn more about it:

So, lets about some reasons why you should learn Python in 2022!

Job Sector

First up, we have the number of jobs available with Python, you may still need to know other languages but you can apply to a ton of jobs with your Python experience. Like I mentioned before, there are tons of things you can do with Python, this allows you to have a huge amount of job titles to essentially choose from. On top of this, I’ve made a few articles talking about the most popular programming languages used at different companies, Python was one of the most frequent programming languages I saw.




Manpreet Singh
Manpreet Singh

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