Very basic introduction to Machine Learning with Keras! (Python)

Manpreet Singh
5 min readMay 31, 2021

Welcome back! Keras is an awesome API used for machine learning with Python, it’s a very important piece that every data scientist / machine learning engineer needs to know. Let’s go ahead and break down the importance of Keras and even develop a project with this API!


First off, you have endless amounts of capabilities with Keras, so we’ll work on a basic project that should help you understand this package. Keras is a Google developed API, it’s also used in a ton of other companies as well across the world. This API runs on libraries like TensorFlow, this package is also developed by Google as well. Some benefits of using Keras alongside packages like TensorFlow is that it’s very easy to test and it has a very large community behind it. I also made a basic introduction to TensorFlow, I would highly recommend checking out that article to get a better understanding of machine learning with TensorFlow:

Building a Project

