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These are the programming languages Microsoft uses

Welcome back! So the past few days i’ve written about the programming languages that massive companies use, including Google and Facebook (click on those companies to read those articles). Now, let’s talk about what programming languages Microsoft uses. This time around, this company wasn’t on that Wikipedia page that I referenced in the other articles, so I went ahead and read through a majority of their current job openings that are currently on their website:

Without wasting all of your time and hyping this article up, i’ll just tell you what those languages were. The languages I found that Microsoft uses are: Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, C#, .NET, C, C++, Go and Rust, so pretty much all the languages you could possibly learn. Another massive thing I saw with Microsoft were the softwares / technologies that were also required, software like: Azure (obviously), Hadoop, Google Apps, AWS and Visual Studio. Let’s discuss all of the programming languages!

Java is a very popular language used in tons of companies across the world, Microsoft is one of those companies. This language is a object oriented language with a large community behind it, so if you plan on learning this language, you will have a large community to help you.
Javascript & PHP

These languages are also used in a lot of different companies, including Microsoft! Now, Javascript is pretty much used for a lot of front end projects, I also saw that a majority of their software engineering jobs required some experience in this langauge. Some uses for this language are: Creating website and apps, adding interactive aspects to a website and even some game development. Somewhat in the same world, PHP is a web development language used for developing websites. I…