The Highest Rated Blockchain Projects On GitHub!

Manpreet Singh
3 min readMay 5, 2022

Welcome back! Blockchain is an awesome technology that many people seem to be super interested in nowadays, so, let’s take a look at some of the highest rated Blockchain projects on GitHub! Now, you can actually rank all of the blockchain projects fairly easily on GitHub, here is a link that sorts them for you:

So, let’s take a look at a few of them!


First up we have the Ethereum project, most people probably know this one by now, but this one is actually the go implementation of Ethereum, and it has over 37 thousand stars! Here’s a link to their repository:

Bitcoin Book

Next up we have Bitcoin Book, this is a very important book that explains the programming behind blockchain. Here is a link to their repository:


Next up we have Solidity, this is the smart contract programming language that’s exploding in popularity, this specific project has over 16 thousand stars…

