Django Vs Flask

Manpreet Singh
4 min readApr 27, 2021

Welcome back! As most of you know, Python can be used for web development, 2 of the most popular web frameworks for Python are Django and Flask, so which one should you use? Let’s take a look at some pros and cons for both of these languages.

Release Date

First off, looking at the age of both of these frameworks, Flask initially was released in 2010, Django initially came out in 2005, so technically Django is the older framework.

Job Availability

Doing a quick search on Indeed, we can see how many jobs are available for each of these frameworks. For Django, there are about 2300 jobs available:

For Flask, there are around 2,000 jobs available for this framework:

Ultimately, there seems to be around the same amount of jobs for both frameworks, so I wouldn’t really learn one over the other in terms of the amount of jobs available.

Django Features

Django has a ton of features built in, very secure and prides itself on it’s scalability, let’s get into more detail of this framework:

Built in features: The features Django has is one of it’s biggest assets. First off, Django has excellent tutorials and documentation, if you want to learn Django, you will not be in a shortage of tutorials. Django also covers a bunch of standard procedures such as admin pages, authentication of users and so much more!

Security: Django also has a bit more security built in over Flask, one of the biggest problems a website can experience is SQL injection, this is essentially where a user could input a piece of SQL and mess up your data base, Django protects you from this natively.

Scalability: The scalability of Django is extremely impressive, since huge websites like Instagram, Spotify and Nasa use Django, it has to be able to scale for it’s users. Whether your developing a small website right now, Django is a great place to start and when you want to develop a larger website, Django is there for you.

