Awesome UI Library For Rust!
2 min readMar 4, 2022
Welcome back! Rust is an awesome programming language with a ton of capability, if you’re new to Rust, check out the link below to learn more about it:
So, let’s take a look at an awesome UI library that you should check out, this library is called rui, luckily for us, it’s hosted on GitHub, here is a link to its repository:
A very interesting thing about this library is that it’s inspired by Swift, which is very interesting. This library is also multi platform, you can build for macOS, Windows and Linux as well! Here is a basic example of how a UI is build with this library:
use rui::*;
fn main() {
rui(state(1, |count| {
text(&format!("{:?}", count.get()))
button("increment", move || {
let value = count.get()…